$250,000 Settlement Announcement for a Car Accident Client with a Torn Labrum!
We are proud to announce a $250,000 settlement for a car accident injury claim! This settlement was for a personal injury client who tore his labrum in a sideswipe accident. Our client had his claim outright denied for years. Our attorneys were able to get him maximum compensation months before trial!
The Facts of the Case
This case revolved around a client who had been sideswiped while driving through Westwood Village in Los Angeles, CA. Our client was driving to work when suddenly a car from the left lane attempted to merge into our client’s path. Instead of changing lanes the defendant hit the rear-end of our client’s car.
The defendant initially denied all responsibility! Our office worked to seize all video evidence of the accident. The immediate efforts resulted in the production of ATM camera footage showing the vehicles in the collision. We then produced the video footage, and the defendant owned up to having caused the crash. Had our client waited any longer to retain a car accident attorney, this footage would likely have been lost forever.
The Injuries Sustained in the Car Accident
Nonetheless, even after the defendant accepted fault for causing the collision, he still tried to deny responsibility for our client’s shoulder injury!
Shortly after the car accident, our client noticed he was experiencing pain and shoulder problems. He sensed a decreased range of motion and weakness in his shoulder. He was concerned that he might have suffered a rotator cuff injury. Specifically, he thought that he might have suffered a rotator cuff tear.
Our office found the right specialist to diagnose and treat our client’s injuries. Our client’s doctors quickly determined that he had suffered a labral-tear.
Doctors explained to him that the shoulder is a complex joint where muscles and tendons all meet. The labrum is the cartilage in the shoulder socket that helps keeps the ball of the joint in place. When that cartilage is torn, it is called a labral-tear.
The doctors further explained that they often see slap tears and anterior labral-tears in car accident cases. However, our client’s posterior and superior tears were unique and necessitated the best medical care. We worked quickly to make sure that he had the leading specialist perform his shoulder surgery.
Our Results!
Throughout the insurance claims process and lawsuit, the defense law firm constantly repeated one mantra. “Sideswipe collisions can’t cause these shoulder injuries!” Our office spent the next year fighting on behalf of our client. The result? A $250,000 settlement that was more than double what any other law firm thought that we could get for our client!
If You Have Been in a Car Accident, Contact a Local Huntington Beach Car Accident Lawyer Right Away!
If you have been in a side-swipe car accident, call a personal injury attorney right away. Make sure that you gather all of the other drivers’ auto insurance information. No one article can cover everything that people should know after a car accident. Additionally, car accident law presents unique legal challenges.
There are many local Huntington Beach car accident lawyers, Seal Beach car accident lawyers, and Long Beach car accident lawyers that can help. Most personal injury lawyers can also assist if you are a family member with wrongful death claims for a loved one. Contact a lawyer right away to protect your personal injury or wrongful death statute of limitations.
Don’t let an insurance company lowball your demand for reimbursement of medical expenses, lost wages, or pain and suffering. Ensure that you receive full justice for your insurance claims!
The information contained in this post is for general information purposes only. Nothing on this post, or website, should be taken as legal advice for any individual or case situation. This information is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing does not constitute an attorney-client relationship.
Contact us If you have lost a loved one or have pain and suffering from a personal injury. For more information, visit our wrongful death page and car accidents page. For a free consultation, please reach out to our attorneys to arrange a time to discuss your case. All you have to do is hit the big blue button labeled Contact Us at the top of this page!