$175,000 Settlement Announcement for a Slip and Fall Client who broke her leg!
We are proud to announce a $175,000 settlement for a slip and fall injury claim! This settlement was for a personal injury client who broke her tibia after slipping on a wet floor at a popular mall.
The mall proprietor disputed liability right up until the day they settled the case. Despite every possible excuse asserted by the mall proprietor’s attorneys, our office continued to fight until our client got justice!

Leg fractures can occur after all sorts of slip and falls.
The Facts of the Case
This case involved a client who had gone to a popular mall on a rainy day for her lunch break. Our client was surprised when she arrived at the mall and noticed that despite the intense rain, the property owners had not put up any wet floor signs. As our client entered the mall, she also noticed that there were no floor mats for people to dry their feet.
She then went to the restaurant where she intended to have lunch. While she waited she began window shopping.
Our client was walking across the bright white tile floors when suddenly her right foot slid forward. Her left ankle collapsed underneath her. She lied on the floor in a state of shock at what had just happened. Then she realized that her right hand and pants were wet.
Mall staff raced to the scene to take pictures of our client’s shoes, and create an incident report that was favorable to them. The property owner’s and their staff tried everything to make it seem like there was nothing wrong with the floor.
The Injuries Sustained from the Slip and Fall
Our client not only had to fight the defense that the mall floors were safe, but they also tried to deny she broke a bone in her leg!
Paramedics arrived on the scene to take her to the hospital. Once our client got to the hospital she was told that she had a broken leg. Specifically, the type of fracture she suffered was a tibial pilon fracture.
Doctors told our client that they regularly see that fractures can occur in this type of slip and fall case. They then told her that the break required surgery.
Following surgery, she spent the next four months rehabbing her leg in physical therapy. With physical therapy, she was able to achieve maximum physical recovery.
Throughout the insurance claims process and lawsuit, the defense law firms kept saying the same thing. “There was no water on the floor we had just cleaned it!”
Our office spent eighteen months gathering the evidence needed to prove our client’s claims.
We subpoenaed video of the fall and photos of the scene. We acquired records showing that the mall had dozens of similar falls in the two years prior. We deposed mall employees who stated they violated their own policies by not having floor mats at the mall entrances.
After nearly a year and a half, we were able to disprove their claim that they had just cleaned the floor where our client had fallen!
The result? A $175,000 settlement that fairly compensated our client.
If You Have Been Injured after a Slip and Fall, Contact a Local Slip and Fall Lawyer Right Away!
If you have suffered injuries as a result of a slip and fall, call a personal injury lawyer right away. Make sure that you gather the contact information from as many witnesses as you can find. You should take note of all the cameras that you think may have recorded the fall.
We recommend that you contact a slip and fall lawyer before speaking to an insurance adjuster, or filing a claim. Filing an insurance claim for a slip and fall or trip and fall without consulting an attorney, could result in the adjuster attempting to use the claim form against you.
No one article can cover everything that people should know after a slip and fall. Additionally, slip and fall law presents unique legal challenges.
There are many local Huntington Beach slip and fall lawyers, Seal Beach slip and fall lawyers, and Long Beach slip and fall lawyers that can help. Contact a lawyer right away to protect your personal injury or wrongful death statute of limitations.
Don’t let an insurance company lowball your demand or insurance claims. Let us help you fight for reimbursement of your medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Ensure that you receive full justice for your insurance claims!
The information contained in this post is for general information purposes only. Nothing on this post, or website, should be taken as legal advice for any individual or case situation. This information is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing does not constitute an attorney-client relationship.
Contact us If you have lost a loved one or have pain and suffering from a personal injury. For more information, visit our slip and fall accidents page. For a free consultation, please reach out to our attorneys to arrange a time to discuss your case. All you have to do is hit the big blue button labeled Contact Us at the top of this page!